
The report writing function of Red Sky Farm Performance Analysis has been designed to ensure any business can stylize the reports to their own requirements. In addition the controls for printing the reports are simple to operate as they are primarily ‘click and drag’ bars that allow you to change most aspects of the report.

You have the opportunity to print your business logo at the top of the report and to change font style and size, to add borders, to change colours, to alter column width and row height, or to do almost anything you might wish.

The controls have been designed to make this easy to undertake. In comparison to most other software you will find Red Sky strikingly simple. Once you click on the Print button the report is presented on the screen with all the formatting buttons visible and straightforward to operate.

To confirm which other years’ data you would like printed alongside the year within which you are working, you use the Comparison button at the bottom of the screen to select the other columns. This allows you to view other years’ data alongside the one that you have completing. This could include other years for the existing farm and/or benchmark data.

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